
How do I cancel a standing order?

How do I cancel a standing order?

To cancel a standing order online or on your mobile app you will need to give us 2 working days notice.

For example: If a payment is due to leave your account on a Friday, the final opportunity to cancel the standing order is by close of business on Wednesday.

If your payment is due out within the next 2 working days and you wish to cancel the payment, you will need to contact telephone banking by 6:00pm on the working day before the payment is due.

Telephone banking
03457 424365 (overseas +44 2890 538 033)
Relay UK: 18001 03457 424365
Open 7 days a week 8am-8pm (Automated service 24/7).
Calls may be recorded.

Please have your Customer Number and PIN ready as this will enable your call to be answered faster and more securely. These are the same details you use to log in to Anytime Internet Banking.

Cancelling a standing order using your mobile banking app

  1. Login to your Mobile Banking app
  2. Tap ‘Payments’ on the bottom of the home screen
  3. Make sure the account displayed is set to the account where the Standing order is paid from. You can swipe to change accounts or tap 'Change account'.
  4. Tap ‘Regular payments’
  5. Tap ‘Standing orders’
  6. Tap on the standing order you wish to cancel
  7. Tap ‘Cancel Standing order.’

Cancelling a standing order online

  1. Log in to your Anytime Internet Banking service at www.anytimebanking.ulsterbank.co.uk (opens in a new window)
  2. Select 'Payments & transfers' from the main menu
  3. From the 'Standing orders' section select 'Manage standing orders'
  4. From the 'Standing orders list' select the appropriate standing order then click on the 'Cancel standing order' button
  5. Please select 'Confirm' to complete your request